Hey you! Want to fight in the Thunderdome but too much of a PUSSY to do it?! Well do we have the solution for you! Introducing Pez! Brother of Wez! Simply hire this fancy looking fuckstick to fight for you within the metal confines of the Thunderdome! Pez comes preloaded with weapons too! Like the fantastic and Patent-Pending “Drilldo”, a large phallic drill used to corkscrew straight through your foe and make a parfait of their intestines on the other side! Buy Pez now and fight your way to victory in the Thunderdome!
Victory is not guaranteed all money must be paid up front with a bonus delivered upon each successful win Pez reserves the right to decline your purchase at any time or also kill you in your sleep should you possibly disappoint him surcharges apply see bartertown store for more details.
This message was paid for (in blood) by Outpost 8 (they’re running late).