The ashes of a new holocaust sifted slowly to the ground. Ralph sprinted, his boots leaving lunar implants in the soot beneath him. “I don’t have much time,” he thought to himself, remembering his training and how long it took for radiation to seep into the body. His radio pack lit up, “30 seconds to ZQ seal.” They were going to lock the doors. He sprinted with all of his will until he burst into a clearing, just feet away from the underground entrance to Zeta Quadrant. He slipped through the doors just as they were closing.
He stayed in Zeta for years, running the communication tank and trying to make contact with other bunkers, to no avail. Eventually, radiation had breached the walls of Zeta and Ralph had to abandon it’s concrete dungeons. He took what he could of his equipment and fashioned it into a mobile communication array, powerful enough to let him scan channels and listen to as many as 8 transmissions simultaneously, powered by solar rays, which were hard to come by due to the dense fog of the ground zero he trekked through.
A transmission once told him of a rumored “Northern Sector.” A zone that is radiation free, if you’re willing to fight for the food and fend off the cannibals. Ralph set his sights North, constantly scanning the horizon, and every channel he can.