The visions mostly come at night. Curious fixations and strange creatures wander out from the deep roots and overgrown paths heavily imbued with the soles of travelers past. They entangle my mind, whispering enchanting secrets and persuasive tithings in my ears. Sometimes I obey, I carry out their vile temptations and wretched orders, not thinking as I do, but more, being pulled to do it. I feel at times as if I don’t control my body, and am trapped in my mind, while a villainous puppet master maneuvers my limbs. I wake up, bathed in an unknown blood.
It’s been 3 months since my last vision. I’ve been staying in Wasteland City, long after the great meeting. I met a merchant known as Ellinthris, she fashioned me this mask and offered me company in exchange joining the Faceless of Outpost 364. Huh, turns out they accept applicants, who knew… Being with the Faceless has offered me peace and respite, in my safe nights of sleep the visions slowly dissipated. I no longer spoke with the beings and gave in to their whispers.
That is, until last night. I had another vision.