Being the strong silent type, The Tank doesn’t offer much information about his past. Rumor is, due to his massive physique and fighting style, some think he was a professional wrestler or prize fighter. His militaristic demeanor also leads some to believe he was ANZAC (Australia New Zealand Army Corps). But perhaps the most accurate rumor of all is that he was former MFP; A Captain of the Hall in the Sun City area more specifically.
There is also much speculation as to the relationship The Tank has with the infamous, masked warlord Humungus. Though it is ill advised to inquire on this matter as the response one gets could prove rather painful.
What is known, for sure, of The Tank, is that he prefers the intimate brutality of bludgeoning melee weapons over the sleek efficiency of bladed or ranged weapons. He is close with his fellow Bartertown guard, “Gunz”, and one might notice that they tend to prefer bringing up the rear on foot patrol to ensure they have the backs of all their fellow guards.